Thursday, November 8, 2012

stamp act

 The Stamp Act!!!

1.  The Stamp Act of 1765 placed a direct tax on printed paper products like legal documents, books, novels, magazines.  The Stamp Act was a tax imposed on the colonies by the British Parliament.  It also applied to newspapers.

2.  It was passed as a means to help pay for troops stationed in the colonies of North America after the 7 years war.

3.  The colonists were angry as hell!!!  The colonists felt as though because they did not send representation to Britain, The Bristish had no right to place taxes on them.  They felt as if it was a violation of their rights.  The Stamp Act Congress formed in NYC as a group to protest the Act.  Also local protest groups started popping up.

4.  The Stamp Act was repealed because it also caused economic issues for Britain.  People did not buy books and novels because they didnt want to pay the extra.

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